Hero MotoCorp, in collaboration with CG Motors, has embarked on a new chapter in Nepal. This venture heralds a significant milestone, accompanied by the introduction of four different products: the Hero Xpulse 400V, Super Splendor, Splendor Plus, and Xoom 110 scooter. Notably, these products will undergo assembly at the company's facility situated in the Nawalparasi district.
The inception of this new partnership dates back to January, when Hero MotoCorp announced its plans to set up an assembly plant in Nepal, further cementing its relationship with CG Motors, the newly designated distributor in the country. This manufacturing hub is expected to produce 75,000 units annually, marking a significant stride in local production.
CG Motors, taking on the role of Hero MotoCorp's distributor in Nepal, pledges proactive measures to address consumer concerns, with a prime focus on delivering comprehensive 3S services. In furtherance of this commitment, the inauguration of Hero's showroom in Bhat-Bhateni, Kathmandu, signifies the onset of an extensive network expansion, with over 100 sales and service outlets slated to open within the next three months.
The company is dedicated to delivering services that meet international standards and go beyond merely selling motorcycles and scooters. It aims to ensure customer satisfaction through a comprehensive after-sales service approach.